Domestic Travel

We live in a great, big, wonderful country (at least when everyone in it is not acting like they are the only people in the country who matter) and our goal is to see all of it. Join us here as we try valiantly to achieve that goal!

June 4th, 2019
CFB: Black Hills and Badlands of South Dakota

If you think this post is going to be about Mt. Rushmore, think again! Ok, yes, we went there, because it is basically a requirement in the Instagram era to put some Mt. Rushmore selfies on the internet, but ultimately this part of South Dakota is about much more. The beauty of the landscape is …

April 22nd, 2019
CFB: Everything you need to know about Asheville, North Carolina

Asheville is a vibrant city in North Carolina’s Blue Ridge Mountains known for its local breweries, outdoorsy lifestyle and art scene. There are over 25 different breweries and an amazing foodie scene. Unlike other Southern towns definitely has a more of hippy dippy rather than preppy vibe. Within the past year, I have been lucky …

December 13th, 2018
CFB: The Finger Lakes

What if there were a place nearby to New York City where the people are friendly, the food and booze are delicious and the scenery is beautfiul? Don’t believe it? Neither did we. That’s why it’s been almost 12 years that Bryn and I have lived in New York but have not visited the Finger …

November 25th, 2018
We’re Not In Kansas Anymore…

My friend Allison and I both have a shared goal of making it to all 50 states. We take a girl’s trip every year together and this year we thought we were genius when we picked Kansas City and could knock two states from our list for the price of one. Kansas City has a great happy hour scene, good food and some quirky activities to enjoy.

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October 19th, 2018
California Dreamin’: The OC

If you’re a New York-centric east-coaster like Matt, you probably think this post is going to have some cool LA stuff in it, and you’re probably pretty excited to see what the heck is so great about this city on the other side of the country. Unfortunately for you (and Matt), Newport Beach is almost …

September 14th, 2018
Austin barbecue: everything you need to know

Probably the thing people ask me the most about Austin is where to get the best barbecue. Not only is Austin smack-dab in the heart of Texas BBQ country, but there are a huge number of choices about where to get your ‘cue. To make matters worse, the “Best BBQ” is a hot topic around those parts (and these parts) with a lot of different opinions, bogus or conflicting information and just plain bad taste. Read on as we try to add one more set of opinions to the mix!

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